Activismo y ONG

Partnership for Central America announces $1 Billion in new commitments with Vice President Harris
Activismo y ONG

Partnership for Central America announces $1 Billion in new commitments with Vice President Harris

The Partnership for Central America (PCA) and Vice President Kamala Harris have jointly announced today an impressive sum of over $1 billion in fresh investments from the private sector. This landmark initiative, known as Central America Forward (CAF), is a dynamic public-private collaboration that emerged in direct response to the Vice President's Call to Action for Northern Central America.Key points Since May 2021, the combined value of new commitments has surpassed $5.2 billion. Over 50 companies and organizations have pledged their support for fostering inclusive economic growth. These investments will generate employment opportunities, enhance digital connectivity, and uplift economic well-being. The newly announced commitments encompass a wide range of sectors, including agr...